HubSpot | 7 Min Read

Unlocking Growth with HubSpot: A Comprehensive CRM Review

Wondering which platform is right for you? Learn why Hubspot is the all-in-one platform for marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software.

Joshua Todd
Joshua Todd | December 12, 2022
Unlocking Growth with HubSpot: A Comprehensive CRM Review

As businesses begin to think about how to align all their efforts, there are a lot of different outlets to research and explore.

How do you make sure every piece of your organization is all pulling the metaphorical rope the same directions? How do you make sure all your limbs are working together to accomplish the same goal?

With so many possible avenues to go, go HubSpot.

HubSpot users encompass tens of thousands of companies in over 100 counties around the world. Over 500 organizations have partnered with HubSpot to integrate with them, knowing the vast reach of their platform.

All-in-One CRM

Beyond the ability to perfectly align your sales and marketing strategies, HubSpot offers a variety of user-friendly services that will take your audience from ‘strangers’ to ‘promoters’ in no time.

This all-in-one platform will give your team the tools and knowledge base to turn your operation into a well-oiled machine. There are a variety of package and plan options which allows you to make sure you’re getting everything you need to be successful, while making sure you don’t play for things you don’t need.

Forms and Landing Pages will enhance your sites conversion rate with just a few clicks of a button. Reach strangers by using their social media scheduler, and then nurture those leads with a number of automation offerings.

The Hubs:

HubSpot’s platform is broken down into three offerings, which they refer to as ‘hubs’. They are:

  • Marketing Hub
  • Sales Hub
  • Customer Service Hub

Marketing Hub


The Marketing Hub is an inbound software that will allow your team to get leads primed and ready to pass along to your sales team.

For those people who may not be overly familiar with your business, HubSpot offers tools like landing pages, social media planners, SEO assistance, blog platforms, and more. These things will give your team the opportunity to focus on the overall awareness of your brand and work on getting your name out there.

Features at a glance:

  • Landing Page Builder
  • Form Builder
  • Lead Tracking & Management
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Management
  • Ad Tracking & Management
  • Marketing Analytics

Sales Hub


The Sales Hub allows your team to manage their pipeline of business more effectively.

This easy-to-use platform tracks your prospects throughout every stage of the buyer’s journey. The ability to see things like what pages someone visits on your website or how much time they spent reading one of your emails enables your salespeople to offer intentional and meaningful follow up.

By connecting all your data in one spot, your sales team is now free to do what they do best – focus on providing value to your customers.

Features at a glance:

  • Appointment & Meeting Scheduler
  • Email Tracking
  • Call Tracking & Recording
  • Sales Management Playbooks
  • Pipeline Management
  • Sales Analytics and Reporting

Customer Service Hub


The Customer Service Hub was built to help your team harness the power of automation and self-service.

By listening to the needs of your audience, you’re able to delight your customers – which hopefully turns them into promoters of your business. This Hub highlights channels like surveys and detailed reporting, the ability to quickly identify gaps in your processes and affords you the opportunity to make them right.

Features at a glance:

  • Help Desk & Ticket Automation
  • Knowledge Base
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Feedback Surveys

Funnel Becomes Flywheel

A few years back, Brian Halligan (HubSpot’s CEO) officially announced that he would be retiring the traditional sales funnel within their company.

The long-accepted model of the sales funnel includes only one spot of entry and one end goal. The flywheel, however, allows for multiple interactions with your customers throughout their journey.

According to their team, there are three contributing factors that can determine the momentum of your company’s flywheel:

  • How fast you spin it
  • How much friction there is
  • How it’s composed – how big it is and how much it weighs

The sales process is not what it used to be, which is perfectly demonstrated by this new system.


The process of the wheel shows how much momentum your organization as a whole can pick up by satisfying your customers at every stage of their journey. If you provide value to a prospect, they are more likely to become a customer.

If you provide value to a customer, they are more likely to become a promoter. If you provide value to your promoters, they will bring you more prospects – and so on.

The friction element comes into play when evaluating how user-friendly your sales process is. The more hoops you make your prospects jump through in order to become customers – the less likely they are to do so. We often develop processes in order to make our team’s jobs easier, but what we need to consider is the experience for the user – not the salespeople.

HubSpot’s tools set your team up for success when it comes to this process. Using their software will ensure minimal friction within your customers’ journey to keep your flywheel spinning freely.

Top Five Reasons to Go Hubspot

The list of benefits the HubSpot platform could fill a book. But if we had to narrow it down to only five, these would be the top reasons we’d recommend their platform to you:

1. Ease of use

Ease of Use:
Rating from Capterra reviews

Teams within your organization may vary a bit in tech savviness, so you want to make sure you are choosing a solution that is intuitive, or at least easily trainable. This may be different than just straight simplicity, while making sure it’s still able to be navigated. Depending on how expansive and experienced your team is, this may be a bigger factor for some more than others.

The HubSpot user interface is consistently being updated to ensure its ease of use for their customers. Their team offers a variety of training and ‘how to’ videos and articles to enable your organization’s success in using their platform. That being said, if there is anything you need help finding or using within their platform, their customer support and knowledge articles are extremely comprehensive.

2. Variety of integration applications


HubSpot has a network of over 500 integrations that can be utilized to help their customers grow.

Each month, new partners join this powerful ecosystem of tools for groups to tap into. With so many different options to choose from, these partners allow HubSpot to truly be a one-stop-shop for all of your sales and marketing needs.

Anything that might’ve been outside of HubSpot’s specific skillset, they use these partnerships to fill in those small gaps.

3. Segmentation of lists

Who among us hasn’t gotten a marketing email that is about a product or service that we have no interest in? Well, that’s probably because that company doesn’t have great list segmentation. When you have an all-in-one platform like HubSpot – where every piece of your software talks to one another – you can harness the ability of segmentation.

Your email open and click rates will skyrocket when you are able to specifically target messaging to your customers based on what they want to see.

When you continually send information to your customers that they’re not interested in seeing, they become less engaged with your brand overall. HubSpot allows you to segment out your customer lists based, in detail, on what they are most likely to buy.

4. Ability to manage social media


HubSpot prides itself on being a one-stop-shop for all your sales and marketing needs. With that in mind, connecting each of your company’s social media accounts through HubSpot allows you to add that to the capabilities of their interface.

Their smart scheduling feature tracks when your audiences engages the most on your various social platforms and suggests a post sequence to optimize your engagement.

You can also organize paid campaigns through the HubSpot interface. Their detailed reporting tracks which campaigns were most successful in reaching new and existing customers, while being able to attribute revenue generated from the ad to each individual audience member.

5. Tracking of prospects through the buyer’s journey

As mentioned above, the HubSpot sales platform allows you to track prospects and customers in real-time. You can see which emails they’re opening and for how long, as well as which pages of your website they’re seeking out.

The more you know about your customers, the more likely you are to be able to delight them. HubSpot makes this process incredibly intuitive, so that your team is set up for success.

Again, we could right a book about all the ways HubSpot can benefit your organization. In summary, with all the different directions your business can go – go HubSpot.

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